New Model X for Sale in West Palm Beach, FL
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* Prices and payments do not include tax, tag, title. The Sales Price includes a $989 dealer service charge, and a $414 electronic filing charge. These charges represent cost and profit to dealer. The MSRP is the manufacturer's suggested retail price, and is not binding on either Dealer or Customer. All pricing and details are believed to be accurate, but we do not warrant or guarantee such accuracy. Vehicle information is based off standard equipment and may vary from vehicle to vehicle. All specifications, prices and equipment are subject to change without notice. Call or email for complete details and information. Displayed fuel efficiency is based on applicable EPA mileage ratings. Use for comparison purposes only. Your actual mileage will vary, depending on how you drive and maintain your vehicle, the driving conditions, battery pack age/condition and other factors. While every effort has been made to ensure display of accurate data, the vehicle listings within this website may not reflect all accurate vehicle items. Accessories and color may vary. The vehicle photo displayed may be an example only. Vehicle Photos may not match exact vehicles. All inventory listed is subject to prior sale. Please confirm vehicle price and details with Dealership..